2024 Bead Challenge
The BSV Bead Challenge is an annual competition where all entrants start with an identical basic set of beads.
All of these beads (and components if supplied) must be used to create a single beaded piece, but more beads or components may be added if required.
The finished piece is displayed flat or free standing on a 30cm x 30cm square tile and must fit within the tile.
Visitors to the Bead Expo will have a chance to view all entries on display and vote for their favourite piece.
Entrants may add their own choice of extra beads or findings to the basic pack for a chance to win fabulous monetary prizes.
Open to everyone, not just members.
Purchase your kit by clicking the button below.
The 2024 Bead Challenge pack contains a magnificent assortment of Pearls, as the Bead Society celebrates it’s 30th anniversary in 2024!
BSV Library
The Bead Society has a large Library of book, magazines, and other miscellaneous items such as booklets and DVDs.
These can be borrowed in person from the Carnegie meeting.
Below is a listing of all the items we have in the library. We are working to clean up the list and make it easier to use.
Click on the link and it will open a PDF document listing all the items. It may open in your browser, download it or even open it in Adobe Acrobat Reader. The latter is the best to use, so that you can use the search function. eg, search 'Sabine' to look for books by Sabine Lippert.
The list will be updated every few months, so do check back for the current version.
We welcome feedback on this listing. Please email us.