What Happens At A Bead Society Meeting ?

The Society holds one monthly meeting on the 2nd Sunday of each month, except for January.

Members can bring along their beading, solve their beading problems, and relax with other members.

Mini Workshops available and usually run for 2 or 3 hours, depending on what is being taught. Samples are usually displayed at the meeting beforehand.

Note: Members are able to book and pay online to secure the booking.

Traders available to buy supplies from.

Presidents report starts at approx. 10:30am.

Members have access to our own BSV library, which is open for borrowing from between approx. 10.45am to 12.00 midday.

Tea, coffee, sugar and milk are provided at meetings, please BYO mug.

After 10:30am, Please ring one of your beading buddies to gain entry.

Members either bring their own lunch or visit one of the many food places nearby both venues.

Entry Fees
Members: $5 payable on the door
Non-Members: First meeting free then non-members are expected to join if they wish to attend further meetings

Our monthly meetings commence at 10.00am.

Always bring along your usual kit * to meetings if you are not sure what to work on.

* Usual kit comprises, beading needle, preferred beading thread, beading mat or board, scissors and anything else that helps you work.

** Bring along your beading, work on any unfinished projects or get help from a fellow member if you are stuck on something.

See the Events Calendar for the latest workshops, classes and talks.

Location of Bead Society meetings

2nd Sunday of each month

Carnegie Library and Community Centre

7 Shepparson Avenue, Carnegie, VIC (Melway Map 68 J4).

It’s a short walk from Carnegie Station. Our meeting is in the Boyd Room, which is on the first floor (lift available).

The library is not open to the public until midday, so members operate the door until then. The ground floor Shepparson Avenue entrance to the library is manned by members up until 10.30 am.

There is good access to public transport and ample parking in the public car park adjacent to the library building, and also along Shepparson Avenue or the side streets.

BSV Library

The Bead Society has a large Library of book, magazines, and other miscellaneous items such as booklets and DVDs.

These can be borrowed in person from the Carnegie meeting.

Below is a listing of all the items we have in the library. We are working to clean up the list and make it easier to use.

Click on the link and it will open a PDF document listing all the items. It may open in your browser, download it or even open it in Adobe Acrobat Reader. The latter is the best to use, so that you can use the search function. eg, search 'Sabine' to look for books by Sabine Lippert.

The list will be updated every few months, so do check back for the current version.

We welcome feedback on this listing. Please email us.