Bookings will open on 4th May 2024 – 7pm AEST

The inspiration for this piece came from the mini flower bead spacers, particularly the ‘magic’ colour that seem to ‘glow’.I was fascinated by creating a texture around the flowers that was taller than the flowers themselves, so they peeked out like something magical hiding in the reeds around a pond. Learn how to create this texture in bead embroidery, utilising the ‘stop-stitch’ technique, and bring this pendant to life!

You will learn:

Bead embroidery techniques, including back stitch, stop stitch, brick stitch edging. How to place larger beads aesthetically for each student and fill in the space around them, including design tips. How to create a peyote stitch bezel from a bead embroidered base. Create a bezel straight off the edged row.

Sunday 7th July – 9.30am to 12.30pm

The project will not be completed in class, detailed instructions will be provided to allow for completion at home.

SKILL LEVEL: basic knowledge of bead embroidery and peyote stitch would be helpful, but not essential.

TECHNIQUES: Bead embroidery, peyote stitch

KITS: $45 three colourways

  • Hydrangea (purple/blue)
  • Frangipani (pink/peach)
  • Daylily (green/cream/gold)

COST: Members: $45

Requirements list:

  • 1x 25mm cabochon
  • 5g 11o (A)
  • 3g 11o (B)
  • 3g 15o
  • 5g 6o
  • 3x Wide Bell Flowers
  • 7-12x Mini Flowers spacer beads
  • 1x Small drop bead
  • Material for backing (eg leather, suede, etc)
  • Beading foundation, preferably to match the colour of the beadwork

Students also need to bring the following to class:     

  • Glue (eg e6000)
  • Thread and needle of choice
  • Scissors (a nice sharp pair for cutting fabric, and thread scissors)
  • Beading mat
  • Lighting as required

TUTOR: Meg Thompson




Ticket Type Price Spaces Available Seats
Standard Ticket $45.00 4
Attendee 1