Steampunk themed bead embroidery to be made into a leather backed glasses case or to hold your Mobile phone.
Sunday 5th Nov – 9.30am to 4.00pm, there will be a 30 minute lunch break
The project will not be completed in class.
SKILL LEVEL: Intermediate
TECHNIQUES: Bead Embroidery
COST: Members: $90
Non-members: $120
KIT: $35 – mandatory ~ this is a partial kit which includes a project specific handmade Cabochon and the Steampunk cogs.
Students will need to provide the following
A selection of size 11s to match the cabochon and cogs
A selection of size 15s to match the cabochon and cogs
Embroidery suede at least 20cm x 20cm
20 ginko beads
40 fire polish beads to match
Beading needles
Nymo or one G thread.
E6000 glue
DMC embroidery thread to match leather.
Thimble (optional)
TUTOR: Wendy Andrews.
Bookings are closed for this event.