Launched in June 2007, Connect was a full-colour magazine publication of the Bead Society of Victoria.

It contained news, competitions, tutorials, interesting articles, and adverts from Australian suppliers. Due to increasing costs, the society moved to a digital solution to communicate these areas of interest to members.

All of the covers for Connect magazine issues are below and if you are a current member and logged into your account, you can browse through.

The following three publications from 2015 are still available in print for ordering. Current members can order back copies by emailing our Membership Coordinator here. Other older issues are shown in cover format only.

December 2015

september 2015

June 2015

Cover Image Only

BSV Library

The Bead Society has a large Library of book, magazines, and other miscellaneous items such as booklets and DVDs.

These can be borrowed in person from the Carnegie meeting.

Below is a listing of all the items we have in the library. We are working to clean up the list and make it easier to use.

Click on the link and it will open a PDF document listing all the items. It may open in your browser, download it or even open it in Adobe Acrobat Reader. The latter is the best to use, so that you can use the search function. eg, search 'Sabine' to look for books by Sabine Lippert.

The list will be updated every few months, so do check back for the current version.

We welcome feedback on this listing. Please email us.