Entries in this section are eligible for judging in the Elly Feldman Award. A memento trophy is awarded to the winner as well as prize money, award certificate and commemorative handmade bead.
All entries will be on display at the 2021 Melbourne Bead Expo and the winners announced at an Expo presentation.
Consideration will be given to the following:
• Wow factor – immediately catches the eye.
• Colour and design – not obviously derivative of another artist’s work.
• Quality of the finish, including secure clasp and no obvious loose threads.
• Appropriateness of the design/wearability of jewellery piece.
All entries in this section must be the member’s original work and made since the last Expo in 2020. They can include any type of bead work, as long as it is an item of jewellery.
Items which have appeared in other competitions, whether in Australia or overseas are not eligible. Posting of entry images on public/social media prior to the competition is not permitted.
Prizes are:
Elly Feldman: 1st Prize $300
Members Original: 1st Prize $250, 2nd Prize $150, 3rd Prize $75
A maximum of three (3) entries per member.
Please ensure you read the full Conditions of Entry
Members Original 2021 Conditions of Entry
Results will be announced at the 2021 Bead Expo on the Sunday afternoon, 18th July 2021.
Winners will be notified by email or phone within three days of the Bead Expo ending. The results will also be announced on the BSV website and Facebook page as soon as practicable.